Codford, England, February 18, 1916 – (Letter #11) – “The Germans are getting pretty handy us”
Jack and B, you are most welcome letter received yesterday.
Glad to hear you are all in the pink, as this leaves me still in Codford and still at the same old job.
We have been having it very exciting around here the past couple of weeks, as the Germans have been getting pretty handy us.
They went over our camp the other night, but we knew they were coming and we had all lights out.
I was right on my machine gun but they did not come low enough to get a shot.
They dropped 500 bombs on Bath, right in the city.
I do not know what to make of it.
England is slow in regards to not having the coast better guarded,
because they can only come one way and we could knock the hell out of them.
We could catch them either coming or going, but, Jack, we can’t do it without the guns and zeppelins.
I see Russia is doing a great work. I think you will see a big move within a very short time,
as they are sending us away from here in very long drafts [now].
My mates in my old Batallion are all gone, Lord Derby’s men in their place, the ones that fetched up,
so we don’t have anything to do with them.
We had rotten weather here all the time,
rain all the time and mud up to your knees, the kind that won’t come off when you lift your feet.
You have about a ton on.
I got Mother’s parcel at last.
I did have one great feast on tobacco and cake, [I tell you that].
Did you say Eldon had enlisted? Let me know when you write again.
Had a letter from Eugene and Flo today – very pleased to hear from them
but no letter from Mother yet since November but I have written just the same.
Well, I will have to come to a close for this time.
Grub is a damn sight – worse since we came here.
Every damn shilling I get my hands on goes for grub, so I try to manage to pull through.
Give my love to all and lots of kisses for Mary and Teddy, not forgetting yourself.
Tell Herb Hatch all the damn lies you can think of.
I would like to see him here when the airships are dropping bombs. I bet he would shit his pants, excuse my plain talk and scribbling.
Goodbye, with love and best wishes from Lee.