SIDE A 00:00:04 -- 00:006:29 Discussion about about coming to Charlottetown to become a blacksmith, working with Proud and Moreside and then Sentener, and setting up his own shop in Mt. Stewart; Proud, Moreside, Quinn, blacksmith, 1936, Sterling MacDonald, Carl Burke, wages, Sentener, WWII, Mt. Stewart, 1945. | SIDE A 00:06:29 -- 00:08:08 Discussion about blacksmith shops in Charlottetowm; Charlottetown, blacksmith, Sentener, Proud and Moreside. | SIDE A 00:08:08 -- 00:12:41 Discussion about being a blacksmith in Mt. Stewart with mention of horses and cars; Gilmore Jardine, blacksmiths, Mt. Stewart, 1945, 1948, hearse, Edison Coffin, wages, Canada Packers, cars, horses. | SIDE A 00:12:41 -- 00:19:36 Discussion about living on three dollars a week and his first job working for farmers and in the lumber woods at age 12; wages, cigarettes, board, 1938, tobacco prices, first job, lumber woods. | SIDE A 00:19:36 -- 00:24:24 Discussion about his family, with mention of his sister Stella who moved to Boston; Stella Burke, Stella Birt, Boston. | SIDE A 00:24:24 -- 00:27:24 Discussion about Christmas, his mother, and life in the 1930s; Marion Birt, Marion Jay, Christmas, presents, 1930s, The Great Depression, chores. | SIDE A 00:27:24 -- 00:31:35 Discussion about his education, working for Douglas and Jones as an electrician's apprentice electrician, and writing his journeyman's exams; Pisquid East Academy, school, Douglas and Jones, 1951, wages, apprentice, journeyman, electrician. | SIDE A ends at 00:31:35. SIDE B 00:31:42 -- 00:35:19 Discussion about taking his journeyman exams and working for Douglas and Jones continues; wages, journeyman, electrician, Will MacNeill, Preston Sentener, Douglas and Jones, electricity, 1968, Blair MacDonald, 1960s, Bob Barwise. | SIDE B 00:35:19 -- 00:44:41 Discussion about blacksmiths, horses, and stories about horseshoeing; prairie horses, horses, blacksmiths, horseshoeing, Bill Collier, horseshoes, rubber horseshoes, Preston Sentener, Will MacNeill. | SIDE B 00:44:41 -- 00:47:58 Discussion about Drake the iceman, coal men, other blacksmiths, and livery stables; iceman, Drake, Jack Ford, coal men, blacksmiths, Murphy, livery stables, SIDE B 00:47:58 -- 00:49:37 Discussion about the Pure Milk Company and their horses; horses, Pure Milk Company. | SIDE B 00:49:37 -- 00:51:38 Discussion about boarding with his sister and White's Restaurant; boarding, board, White's Restaurant, boxer. | SIDE B 00:51:38 -- 00:56:21 Discussion about Austin Graham the milkman and coal delivery, with mention of bootlegging and rum running; milkman, Austin Graham, Pure Milk Company, New London, coal delivery, coal, Beach Grove Inn, coal prices, Captain Dicks, rum, rum running, bootlegging, Buntain and Bell wharf, Barry Moore. | SIDE B 00:56:21 -- 01:03:15 Discussion about Market Square in Charlottetown, Haggarty's Wharf, and a story about the SS Harland and Mickey McGuirk's father; Charlottetown, jiggers, Market Square, molasses, puncheons, MacDonald, Haggarty's Wharf, SS Harland, Mickey McGuirk. | Tape ends at 01:03:15.