SIDE A 00:00:04 -- 00:02:08 Discussion about movies and plays; movies, play, Uncle Tom's Cabin, theatre, Empire Theatre. | SIDE A 00:02:08 -- 00:08:23 Discussion about stores in Charlottetown; Charlottetown, stores, Black's China Shop, Holman's, dressmakers, milliners, Paton's, Prowse's, hats, millinery. | SIDE A 00:08:23 -- 00:26:55 Discussion about WWI and WWII; WWI, drill shed, Fanningbank, hospitals, Ruth Heartz, WWI soldiers, 105th Battalion, Red Cross parcels, war parcels, WWII, mustard gas, David Mathieson, Tom Rogers, Daniel MacDonald, RAF, airports. | SIDE A 00:26:55 -- 00:31:06 Discussion about the Halifax Explosion, with mention of Bedford Basin during WWII; Halifax Explosion, model school, WWII, convoys. | SIDE A 00:31:06 -- 00:33:11 Discussion about the Spanish Flu; Spanish Flu, 1919. | SIDE A 00:33:11 -- 00:35:11 Discussion about the Great Depression; Great Depression, 1930s, hobos, Heartz. | SIDE A 00:35:11 -- 00:47:26 Discussion about her family and their involvement in politics; politics, Mary Leard, Liberals, David Leard, treaties, women's rights, John Alexander Mathieson, Hon. John Mathieson, voting, Sir John Thompson. | SIDE A ends at 00:47:26. SIDE B 00:47:32 -- 01:08:40 Discussion about her father and her family history, with mention of their involvement in politics; politics, Liberals, David Leard, newspapers, forerunners, judges, premiers, trains, 1917, Robert Borden, Borden, lawyers, cars, Ronald Mathieson, Dr. Charles Mathieson, teachers, wages, 1911, John Alexander Mathieson, Hon. John Mathieson, elections, 1912. | SIDE B 01:08:40 -- 01:13:25 Discussion about her mother's horses, growing up on Water Street, and the harbour; Charlottetown, Water Street, wharves, schooners, Charlottetown Harbour, Pauley's Lumber Yard, ice boats, bushed ice, jiggers. | SIDE B 01:13:25 -- 01:14:33 Discussion about cars and a story about falling off her bicycle; cars. | SIDE B 01:14:33 -- 01:17:20 Discussion about the US Counsel, German ships, and stories about WWI; 1913, German ships, WWI, Officer's Club, German sailors, German POWs, POWs. | SIDE B 01:17:20 -- 01:19:31 Discussion about the Butts and her siblings; Charlottetown, the Butts, David Mathieson, Helen Mathieson, Dora Mathieson. | SIDE B 01:19:31 -- 01:28:06 Discussion about growing up in Charlottetown continues, with mention of livestock in the city, rum runners, and ships; Charlottetown, rum runners, rum running, Captain Dicks, SS Harland, Harland, picnics, traveling. | SIDE B 01:28:06 -- 01:29:31 Discussion about the Hillsborough Bridge and trains; trains, Hillsborough Bridge, swing bridges. | SIDE B 01:29:31 -- 01:33:47 Discussion about delivery men and the circus; Drake, iceman, coal man, ice, ice cream, Hurdy Gurdy, monkeys, circus. | SIDE B 01:33:47 -- 01:35:00 Discussion about sleigh bells and house parties; house parties, sleigh bells, levees, box sleigh parties. | Tape ends at 01:35:00.