SIDE A 00:00:01 – 00:00:13 An Introduction by Stella Wallace interviewing Benedict Callaghan. SIDE A 00:00:13 – 00:05:13 Discussion about Benedict's Grandfather's Father and also Benedict's father's sisters and who they were, an 1881 document he found and some will's of Catherine Trainor of Donagh, Prince Edward Island and his Grandfather, Patrick. James Trainor, Mariah Trainor, Bridget Trainor SIDE A 00:05:13 – 00:07:12 Discussion about a need of 1916 which was a piece property Benedict's grandfather had bought in Johnstons River. 1897. SIDE A 00:07:12 – 00:08:19 Discussion about letters Benedict wrote to his sisters in Minnesota. SIDE A 00:8:19 – 00:10:30 Discussions about the occupations of the Callaghan's and the Trainor's and the genealogy and history of both sides. SIDE A 00:10:30 – 00:12:34 Discussion about Wills and Indentures in 1905, 1910, 1847; Reverend Micheal McDonald, Peter Duffy. SIDE A 00:12:34 – 00:17:31 Discussion about the family coming to Prince Edward Island in1836 and 1838; land was leased prior 1861, Land Purchase Act of 1875, proprietors, land tenants, British, Irish, 1847 document, Public Archives PEI, William Duffy's will. SIDE A 00:17:31 – 00:24:01 Discussion about some old Irish Songs; Ireland, Brenda Mcgrady, Scottish. SIDE A 00:24:01 – 00:30:51 Discussion about finding information on place of births of the Trainor and Callaghan families; Irish settlers first coming to the island, entertainment, farming, large families, English from Wales, Duffy's, Toombs, Catholics, 1830's, transportation; horse and buggy or horse and sleigh. SIDE A Ends at 00:30:51 SIDE B 00:30:51 – 00:38:31 Discussion about Irish entertainment; gatherings in the parlor, instruments, singing, ghost stories, bootleggers. SIDE B 00:38:31 – 00:40:59 Discussion on how and where to find more information about Benedict Callaghan's family history; 1921 picture. SIDE B Ends at 00:40:59