This collection covers two series of audio recordings created by the Benevolent Irish Society (BIS) of Charlottetown, PEI. The first series is comprised of field recordings of oral history interviews conducted by BIS student researchers in 1982 and 1983 with elderly Irish residents of PEI. The second series contains recordings of lectures delivered at the BIS Hall (now the Irish Cultural Centre) in Charlottetown during the years 1987 - 2011 on various aspects of Irish heritage and culture both in PEI and in Ireland.
Project Background
These recordings were digitized and provided with metadata records at the UPEI Robertson Library during the Spring and early Summer of 2018. Financial support for this project, facilitated by the Benevolent Irish Society, was generously provided through the Government of Ireland's Emigrant Support Programme. Special acknowledgment is also due to Mr. George O'Connor, Past-President of the Benevolent Irish Society, whose patient-but-persistent advocacy helped bring this project to fruition. Go raibh maith agat!