SIDE A 00:00:00 -- 00:03:48 Bartering eggs, hen varieties, and Market Square; eggs, bartering, groceries, Market Square. | SIDE A 00:03:48 -- 00:06:03 The family farm in Millcove and changes that have taken place on the farm; livestock, Millcove, cattle, farming. | SIDE A 00:06:03 -- 00:08:02 Cattle breeds and cream; cream, milkman, cattle breeds, milk, Dunstaffnage, butter, co-op, cattle. | SIDE A 00:08:02 -- 00:09:05 Farmers are getting scarce but the farms are getting bigger; cows, cattle, farming, farmers. | SIDE A 00:09:05 -- 00:09:56 Milking cows by hand; milk, cattle, milking. | SIDE A 00:09:56 -- 00:13:05 How potato growing has changed and how it hurts the earth; potatoes, potato farming, pesticides, erosion, potato varieties. | SIDE A 00:13:05 -- 00:14:09 How they used to plant potatoes and when the beater digger first came to PEI; potatoes, beater diggers, farm machinery, potato farming. | SIDE A 00:14:09 -- 00:15:15 Big families and how chores were split up over the family members; big families, chores. | SIDE A 00:15:15 -- 00:16:16 Picking potatoes for 50 cents a day; potato picking, wages. | SIDE A 00:16:16 -- 00:17:00 Bluestone, lyme and arsenic sprays for potatoes; pesticides, lyme, arsenic, Bluestone. | SIDE A 00:17:00 -- 00:18:03 How people shared equipment and sprayers; sprayers, farm machinery. | SIDE A 00:18:03 -- 00:19:12 Yeilds and crop of potatoes; hand dusters, potatoes, crops, potato farming. | SIDE A 00:19:12 -- 00:22:58 How the first fertilizers had to be mixed by hand in the early 1920s and caused pollution in nearby streams; pollution, fertilizer, 1920s. | SIDE A 00:22:58 -- 00:26:14 Growing wheat for flour and gristmills; Robert Thompson, wheat, mills, gristmills, flour, bran, shorts, middling. | SIDE A 00:26:14 -- 00:29:05 The difference between heavy flour and the flour made in roller-mills, wheat varieties, oats and horses; mills, flour, wheat, oats, horses. | SIDE A 00:29:05 -- 00:30:19 Shipping by boat to Newfoundland; shipping, Newfoundland, schooners. | SIDE A 00:30:19 -- 00:32:45 Black oats; oats, black oats, horses. | SIDE A 00:32:45 -- 00:38:35 Apple varieties, orchards, and ciders; apples, fruit, cider, orchards. | SIDE A 00:38:35 -- 00:41:12 Horses and breeding in Charlottetown; horses, horse breeding, Charlottetown, blood horses. | SIDE A 00:41:12 -- 00:42:17 The Milligan and Morrison race track; horse races, race tracks, horse racing, Milligan and Morrison, lights, electricity. | SIDE A 00:42:17 -- 00:44:20 Farm horses and breeding animals; horses, breeding, breed, bulls. | SIDE A 00:44:20 -- 00:46:35 Their ice house and the meat peddler whom he disliked; ice houses, salt, meat peddlers. | SIDE A 00:46:35 -- 00:47:23 Fish peddlers; fish, fish peddlers, tricks. | SIDE A ends at 00:47:23. SIDE B 00:47:30 -- 00:48:09 Lobster prices and packing; lobster, lobster prices, lobster packing. | SIDE B 00:48:09 -- 00:49:44 Fish fertilizer for hobby farms and lobster fertilizer; fish, fertilizer, cats, lobster. | SIDE B 00:49:44 -- 00:51:39 Farmers planting by the moon and other superstitions; pigs, moon, superstition, planting by the moon. | SIDE B 00:51:39 -- 00:54:27 Horses ploughing on the family farm, children's chores, and firewood; horsepower, thrashing, cutting, saws, gas, chores, horses, firewood. | SIDE B 00:54:27 -- 00:59:30 Horses and problems with horsepower, Alden Burt who took a blacksmithing course, and having to slaughter an abused horse; horsepower, blacksmiths, Alden Burt, horses, western horses. | SIDE B 00:59:30 -- 01:00:29 Fox ranching; fox ranching, fur, fox pelts, Charlottetown, foxes. | SIDE B 01:00:29 -- 01:05:30 His first tractor in 1951 and his first car in 1953; 1951, tractors, tractor prices, cars, 1953, horse. | SIDE B 01:05:30 -- 01:07:10 Veterinarians; veterinarians, horses. | SIDE B 01:07:10 -- 01:08:34 Blacksmiths; blacksmiths, Suffolk. | SIDE B 01:08:34 -- 01:15:45 Discussion about his family continues, with mention of midwifes and home remedies; doctors, midwives, home remedies, WWI. | SIDE B 01:15:45 -- 01:17:50 Discussion about WWII, celebrations after the war, and his mother coming down with the Spanish Flu after WWI; WWII, VE Day, Spanish Flu. | SIDE B 01:17:50 -- 01:18:20 The Halifax Explosion; Halifax Explosion. | SIDE B 01:18:20 -- 01:20:16 Sheep on the family farm; sheep, wool. | SIDE B 01:20:16 -- 01:21:47 Flour bag clothing; flour bag clothes, clothes, homemade clothing. | SIDE B 01:21:47 -- 01:22:35 Pack peddlers and the Raleigh man; clothing, pack peddlers, Raleigh man. | SIDE B 01:22:35 -- 01:23:24 Christmas and interactions with Santa; oranges, Christmas, presents, toys, Santa Claus. | SIDE B 01:23:24 -- 01:22:35 Changes in the economy and inflation; inflation, money, prices, economy. | SIDE B 01:22:35 -- 01:27:48 The Great Depression and droughts in Western Canada; Great Depression, droughts, hard work. | SIDE B 01:27:48 -- 01:29:56 The first telephone; telephones, crank telephones, general stores. | SIDE B 01:29:56 -- 01:31:15 The Harvest Excursion; Harvest Excursion, train fair. | SIDE B 01:31:15 -- 01:34:27 His fist trip off of PEI, driving sheep and cattle to the Charlottetown wharf, and meat markets; 1970, driving cattle, walking, Charlottetown, traveling. | SIDE B 01:34:27 -- 01:34:57 The first car in the Suffolk; Humpmobile, Suffolk, cars, nicknames. | Tape ends at 01:34:57.