SIDE A 00:00:04 -- 00:14:57 Discussion about her father and other men who worked on ice boats, with stories about accidents and mention of WWI POWs, the Spanish Flu, and ice breakers; ice boats, cod liver oil, James Howatt, blacksmith, accidents, disasters, Cape Traverse, Lem Dawson, Landsdowne Hotel, Borden, Captain Irving, Captain Mattart, railway, WWI POWs, Spanish Flu, 1919, Montague Campbell, Hector Campbell, John Campbell, wages, ice breakers, 1917, SS Prince Edward Island, Eddie MacWilliams. | SIDE A 00:14:57 -- 00:17:58 Discussion about Cape Traverse, with mention of the telegraph, mail, and the railway; railway, telegraph, mail, Cape Traverse, transportation. | SIDE A 00:17:58 -- 00:20:44 Discussion about her husband's work on the railway, with mention of the 1922 snowstorm; Julian Herring, railway, conductor, brakeman, Borden, snowstorm, 1922. | SIDE A 00:20:44 -- 00:22:57 Discussion about how she and her husband met; courting, dances, house parties. | SIDE A 00:22:57 -- 00:25:47 Discussion about fishing in Cape Traverse; Cape Traverse, fishing, lobster fishing, lobster cannery, lobster, sole, cod, lobster prices, 1960s, prices. | SIDE A 00:25:47 -- 00:34:15 Discussion about her husband's work on the railway continues, with mention of The Great Depression; railway, Borden, diesel engines, coal engines, railway gauges, wages, 1940s, 1929, The Great Depression. | SIDE A 00:34:15 -- 00:36:02 Discussion about the Halifax Explosion and the naming of Borden on that same day; Halifax Explosion, Sir Robert Borden, Borden, telegraph. | SIDE A 00:36:02 -- 00:38:15 Discussion about the end of WWI and the new hall in Cape Traverse; WWI, celebration, 1919, WWI casualties, WWI veterans, Cape Traverse. | SIDE A 00:38:15 -- 00:39:35 Discussion about her mother sending parcels over for soldiers in WWI; WWI, parcels. | SIDE A 00:39:35 -- 00:42:10 Discussion about Christmas and hockey games; Christmas, presents, Christmas tree, 1920s, oranges, fur muff, buffalo robes, Borden Nationals, Cape Traverse Royals, hockey, hockey games. | SIDE A 00:42:10 -- 00:45:23 Discussion about entertainment, trains, and dinners; Robert Howatt, music, entertainment, stuck trains, 1945, Women's Institute, train pass, trains. | SIDE A 00:45:23 -- 00:47:03 Discussion about her relation to Charles Bell and family; Charles Bell, post office, Grace McCallum. | SIDE A 00:47:03 -- 00:47:39 Discussion about school; Cape Traverse, school, entrance exams. | SIDE A ends at 00:47:39. SIDE B 00:47:52 -- 00:55:17 Discussion about school continues, with mention of being a teacher for a short time and the Women's Institute; Carleton, teacher, school, teaching, Women's Institute, Prince of Wales College, Bertha McInnis, school subjects, school inspectors, H. H. Shaw, strap, 1920s, Elmer Mattart. | SIDE B 00:55:17 -- 00:59:43 Discussion about her grandparents and other family members; Samuel Holland, Findley Campbell, Cape Traverse, sawmill, 1800s, District Attorney, Justice of the Peace, David MacFarlane. | SIDE B 00:59:43 -- 01:01:09 Discussion about the first time she voted; 1932, voting, women's vote, money. | SIDE B 01:01:09 -- 01:02:31 Discussion about taking music lessons; music lessons, Georgia Read Barton, music teacher, art. | SIDE B 01:02:31 -- 01:06:30 Discussion about the Women's Institute; 1930, Women's Institute, E. D. Smith, homemakers, jam, York, 1911, 1960s, Mrs. Michael Doyle. | SIDE B 01:06:30 -- 01:08:12 Discussion about entertainment and playing piano for silent movies; Bruce Yeo, silent movies, picture shows, movies, piano, entertainment, Prince Edward Theater. | SIDE B 01:08:12 -- 01:10:19 Discussion about boarding in Charlottetown while going to Prince of Wales College, with mention of radio; Walter Burke, boarding, Charlottetown, radio, Keith Rogers, 1923. | SIDE B 01:10:19 -- 01:27:49 Discussion about her work in radio and television; 1948, Walter Burke, Women's Institute, radio, radio broadcasting, CFCY, radio hostess, radio host, Robin Hood Flour, radio ads, radio advertisements, 1960, television, tv programs, commercials, Art Large Show, Stuart Dickson, Don Messer, Whit Carter, Ed Waters, Loman McAuley, Joe Duncan, Carl Sentner, cooking, Barry MacLaren, Helping Hand, Henry Purdy, Helen Crocker, 1970. | SIDE B 01:27:49 -- 01:29:53 Discussion about attending Prince of Wales College, teaching, and picking potatoes; potato picking, teaching, apples, Prince of Wales College, berry picking. | SIDE B 01:29:53 -- 01:33:02 Discussion about her horse Moxie and getting a car for her 18th birthday; horses, Chevrolet, cars, Roy Holman. | SIDE B 01:33:02 -- 01:35:29 Discussion about her mother, Lord's general store, bartering eggs, and changes at Cape Traverse; Lord's general store, bartering eggs, trading eggs, candy, candy prices. | Tape ends at 01:35:29.